Formal Career Education

A Degree for Future Employment


A person who has long been in the workforce believes their experience will carry them through retirement, but that is no longer the case in many companies. As supervisors retire, their replacements are often people who believe employees without an advanced degree hinder their department’s capabilities. Some of them may be willing to accept certificate programs rather than a degree, but they will often find a way to replace employees who do not measure up to their academic standards.

The majority of workers who have spent years with a company now find they are being singled out for early retirement, but the law does not give them many options for fighting to remain in their current position. Companies are allowed to update their requirements for positions, so those who learned as they worked but never sought a degree find they are caught in the middle. They can make the choice to obtain an advanced degree, and many companies will even pay the cost.

Those who do not want to acquire an advanced degree may find they are suddenly looking for new employment, and they will find the market is harsh. While they might be more than capable of performing many different jobs, the lack of a degree does not assist them. They will find that many companies will pass over them for less experienced workers simply because they have advanced education, so finding a new job can become difficult.

It might appear to be a waste of time and money to return to school, but those who seek to remain in the work force until retirement are now being pressured to choose. If they refuse to get more academic credits, they might find they are out of work or demoted at the very least. Those who are willing to get at least some academic credits may be able to hang on until they can meet their own needs for a good retirement in the next few years.